A project of SaveCalifornia.com. Championing your values since 1999.
Q: How can I help fight election fraud?
A: There are a couple things you can do. First, be a poll watcher to help work for election integrity. Contact your county Republican Party and ask them how. Find them by searching online the name of your county and Republican Party. Search example: "Sacramento County Republican Party."
Second, you can advance election integrity by collecting ballots at your church building. Local churches can and should collect completed ballots from people in their congregations. This is a great way to get more good votes in. If you're part of a local church, it might be your best "get out the vote" effort!
Talk to your pastor about the need to multiply good votes and keep ballots secure. Ask him to announce the church will collect and deliver people's ballots. Then on that day (best is the last two Sundays before Election Day), have a secure box at a table in the foyer (with a good identifying sign) that you guard and have available before and after the church meeting.
Your (or the pastor's) announcement will encourage congregants that there's a secure place to deposit their ballots (just make sure you don't mix ballots from different counties, because an elections office can only receive ballots from voters in its own county). "Ballot collecting" is completely legal. Learn more.
Also help multiply votes by setting up a Voter Registration Sunday(s) table at your church, and ask your pastor to support this effort and announce the opportunity from the pulpit. The next Voter Registration Sunday(s) should be in September for the November General Election.
Q: Can I trust the "Republican voter guide" or "Democrat voter guide" sent to me in the mail?
A: No, you really shouldn't. Because "endorsements" are PAID by the candidates themselves! Look at the FINE PRINT. Don’t rely on voter guides in the mail unless they are from a trusted, recognizable source. And unfortunately, those trusted sources are very few and far between, because even some pro-family voter guides include pro-perversity Republicans as recommended "pro-family" candidates.
Q: What kind of candidates are the best?
A: It's become more obvious that for our God-given liberties and constitutional rights, it is not enough for candidates to be "Republican" or "conservative." We need fighters -- who will work, speak, and fight for what's right in God's sight. Your opportunity to prefer a fighter over a seat-warmer is most likely in the primary election, where all candidates are running, unlike the only the "top two" in the general election.
Q: Are there any pro-life or pro-family Democrat candidates left in California?
A: Not to our our knowledge. We don't know of any candidates within the "Democratic"/"Green"/"Peace and Freedom" parties who are pro-life for preborn babies and pro-family against the immoral "LGBTQIA+" agenda. Even in conservative "red states," pro-life-on-abortion Democrat candidates are being rubbed out. In 2020, DNC Chair Tom Perez and Democrat politicians Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren said there's no room for anti-abortion candidates in the Democratic Party.
Q: Which parties or candidates in California are reliably pro-life and pro-family?
A: It's getting harder to know, since truly pro-family candidates are rarer these days. From our observations, among the "Republican"/"American Independent"/"Libertarian" parties in California, we've determined that generally supporting traditional moral values are usually always "American Independent" candidates, most of the time "Republican" candidates, and some of the time "Libertarian" and "no party preference" candidates. Yet in the last several years, we've definitely seen more Republican and Libertarians candidates that support the anti-family, anti-child, unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, tyrannical "LGBTQIA+" agenda.
Q: What can I do to generate more votes?
A: You can "multiply votes" via web, email, social media, and leafletting. Imagine helping hundreds of people vote for what's right in God's sight. You can do your own research to produce your own documented voter guide or recommended candidates, then publish or distribute it via a web page, blog, email, and social media. You can also print it up on a full or half sheet of paper (both sides) to place on automobile windshields in church parking lots.
Want direction in doing this? If you call SaveCalifornia.com at 916-265-5650, leave a message with a good time to call you back to answer your questions and equip you.
Q: What should I know about party platforms?
A: Every political party has an official Party Platform, which is a written document that is the most reliable indicator of how that party's candidates will vote as an "elected representative."
The party platforms will tell you what to expect, but not as much as a candidate's voting records or specific public promises. Learn more at these links:
Comparison of 2020 platfoms of the Democratic and Republican parties
Human Life, Religious Liberty, Healthcare, Sex Education/LBGTQ/Title IX, School Choice, Courts, Law & Order, Immigration & Border Security
"In Their Own Words": Republican and Democratic Platforms (2012)
Life, Marriage, Health Care & Conscience, Second Amendment (Firearms), Education, The Economy, The United Nations, Right to Work & Unions, Energy & Climate Change
Q: I lost my State government-produced pamphlet. Where can I get another?
A: You can see it online here: "Official Voter Information Guide"
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